Benefits of working out with others
I’m a huge fan of working out with a buddy or a group. This is why most of my clients prefer Semi Private Training or either one of my bootcamps (MissFit MetCon or the Weekend Warrior Workout).
Some super awesome benefits to group training include:
Support: All of my MissFits are supportive of one another. No one is competing (in a negative way), and this makes our groups fun and engaging. Everyone WANTS to see you succeed.
Encouragement: Anyone who comes in for the first time- no matter what level of experience in physical activity- are always encouraged to move within their own comfort zones. This also ends up giving them enough confidence and curiosity to actually push just a bit past where they thought they would go. I believe EVERYONE is capable of more than they think. I love this effect that my groups have with each MissFit.
Accountability: Another benefit to group training is the accountability to actually show up. Knowing there are other “regulars” that come to class helps keep you interested in coming in for your workout, leaving you satisfied and feeling accomplished by the time you finished.
I hope this helps INSPIRE you to try a class, or find a buddy to help #KeepItMovin toward your health and fitness goals :)
Here is an example of Greg Johnson (of Varimax Fitness in Sacramento) and me doing a few awesome buddy and body weight exercises after one of our lifting sessions together. Enjoy!