The Personal Training Program*
With your program, you will gain applicable knowledge about the relationships between YOUR health and wellness; learn at-home "body repair" methods for those days you need a little extra TLC; and overall feel more confidence about what you are capable of in the gym and in life!
*Personal Training is currently only available through Varimax Fitness at this time. Rates may vary. Please download the Varimax Fitness APP and book a Strategic Planning Session to start.
Before the meat and potatoes of your program design, we must address limitations and imbalances that have accumulated throughout the years. You will learn different methods of mobility training like self myofascial release (how to properly "massage" yourself) and proper warm-ups prior to training and as an ongoing practice to optimize your results.
Each beginning phase of training starts with learning (or relearning) foundational exercises that become the basis of every workout moving forward. This is of course is dependent on the specifics of your mobility and flexibility limitations discussed above.
Depending on the program, cardio bouts will involve "homework" of a specific time/intensity/frequency or a version of cardio intervals.
Metabolic circuits may be included in your program depending and can be high-intensity and low-intensity based on comfort and fitness level.
There will be ongoing discussion of nutrition guidance that work toward your body's new weekly physical activity demand. Samantha is not a registered dietician or certified nutritionist, so these discussions are generally addressed based on the clients habitual changes in their overall program, as well as breaking down the context and differentiating usable information versus the “noise” of social media (and other media “facts” that are often hyped, causing overwhelm and confusion to the client.
You can download the Nutrition Quickstarter to help you get a gauge on where you can start from!
If you are curious about what training with me might be like, feel free to take a look at my Instagram!
As well as scheduled appointments, you will have the support of my small community of "MissFits" through social media portals and occasional group events held throughout the year.
Virtual Check-Ins
*Personal Training is currently unavailable; however, Virtual Check-In sessions are available. Please check out the details for Virtual Check-Ins HERE.