MissFit Macros
A lot of you asked what I snack on throughout the day. Here is a snapshot of what's in my trail mix.
No, the Four Roses is NOT included in my trail mix. Yes, there is chocolate involved, but slow your roll- I have maybe 1/8 cup of dark chocolate chips in a mix, if that.
This combo and schedule may not work for you, but maybe it will give you a good idea on how to plan out some snackage for those days you feel like you could smash your face into some sugary junk food and then immediately regret that momentary binge-fest.
1. I drink HELLA water. I'm talking "pee-85x-day" hella- BUT once you get your routines down your body will actually be using that water more purposefully throughout the day and you won't actually end up using the potty as much in the big picture ;)
2. I know what my protein/carbs/fats are DOING for my body in relation to my training purposes. It took me years to get my body in a comfortable conditioning state, strength level, and body composition that I'm happy with. I used to be 35%+ body fat and over 145# (too much for my body frame and comfort level); and now I sit comfortably at around 25% BF or so (w no visible abs FYI Bc right now I could care less about abs, and you should too ha!).
With that said, my meals are primarily protein and fat w veggies. For example, breakfast today was an 2-egg scramble w spinach (a big-ass handful) and deli turkey (4 slices shredded) and I used olive oil (I didn't not measure). Most people have a more carby breakfast- and although it isn't wrong, just keep in mind how that's worked or not for your body, your energy levels, and your current training goal. And the only way you can really tell if your body will die without a carby breakfast or not (you won't actually die), is to just try it for a long enough period of time. Switch up your breakfast routine and see if that helps in those areas.
My food pictures are never pretty, but this is one thing I could fill up on if I "feel" hungry. Most of the time I'm not actually hungry but too dependent on the act of eating OR I'm actually dehydrated, which makes me think I'm hungry... So I use this type of filler to get some great nutrients, and ultimately satisfy the habit of eating/snacking, and also mixing up my options for non-protein based meals/snacks. Plus this is all I had in the fridge! Time to go shopping :-/
3. In the last 5 years or so I've narrowed down my eating frequency to 2 main meals a day (high calorie and high nutrient density), plus some snacking throughout (see trail mix).
I've measured and weighed and prepped all the perfect meals for so long and decided I'm not about that strict life anymore lol (some people are perfectly happy and have enough discipline for that kind of prep, I just am not anymore). But I did learn what types of food and how much will actually make me feel good and functioning for the day and for whatever I'm training towards.
IN CONCLUSION: make sure you're listening to your body and using FOOD AS FUEL and experiment with what works for you.
Pay attention to how full you get, how hungry you actually are, and how your recovery is for your days and you'll get closer to finding the best combination for yourself :)
For any more help with nutrition, download the Nutrition Quickstarter and give it a go! Let me know what you think and send a message with your thoughts!
Happy eating everyone!!